Research Article

A Comparative Study of Audience Experience in Traditional and Interactive Movie

Yuying Lin 1 * , Yuejun Chu 1 *
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1 Xiamen Academy of Arts and Design, FuZhou University, Xiamen, China* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 4(4), 2024, 0003,
Published Online: 06 November 2024, Published: 04 November 2024
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Traditional movie offers audiences a "movie myth" experience through the comprehensive use of sound, light, and electricity and realistic narratives.With the advancement of scientific levels and the emergence of new media, movie art has derived more forms and content.Interactive movie is considered a new form of movie with its interaction and participation with audiences as its characteristics, providing a different audience experience from traditional movie. This article focuses on the dimension of audience experience, compares the narrative structure, emotional mode, and interactive form of traditional movie and interactive movie for research purposes, analyzes the different experiences of audiences when watching traditional movie and interactive movie, explores the core audience experiences.It inspires moviemakers to reflect on their work in order to optimize and enhance the audience experience with interactive movies by creating better interactive movie works that provide narrative references in terms of emotion as well as interactivity.


Lin, Y., & Chu, Y. (2024). A Comparative Study of Audience Experience in Traditional and Interactive Movie. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 4(4), 0003.


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