Research Article

Design of Teaching Aids for Children to Understand Digestive Tract and Low-Carbonate Diet

Hua-Chen Lo 1, Chia-Ling Tien 2 * , Hsin-Yi Liu 2, Hsiao-Szu Chen 2
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1 Department of Education and Learning Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30044, Taiwan2 Department of Child Care and Education, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan 33303, Taiwan* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 3(4), December 2023, 11-21,
Published: 19 December 2023
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Commercially available teaching aids related to the human digestive tract were primarily provided in the form of human organ graphics or models for teaching. Such teaching aids often lacked practical operation and game-experiential learning methods, which were less likely to arouse children’s interest in learning. Thus, we designed a set of teaching aids for teaching young children to understand the human digestive tract and low-carbonate (low-carbon) diet. The teaching aids had the interchangeable appearance of a robot detective and an ambulance. They contained the four digestive tract games: the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The dynamic game design that simulated the function of the digestive tract, combined with low-carbon diet board games, provided young children with learning in a playful context. The results showed that the teaching aids had advantages, including adaptive learning effects and fun games, enhancing learning motivation and interactive operation, and lightweight and environmentally friendly materials. More extensive teaching applications and follow-up research were recommended in the future.


Lo, H.-C., Tien, C.-L., Liu, H.-Y., & Chen, H.-S. (2023). Design of Teaching Aids for Children to Understand Digestive Tract and Low-Carbonate Diet. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 3(4), 11-21.