Research Article

Experience of Living with Disability of University Students in Saudi Arabia

Mona I. Mohammed 1 * , Abeer M. Alrashed 1
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1 Department of Health Administration, College of Business Administration, King Saud University, Riyadh 11362, Saudi Arabia* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 3(4), December 2023, 50-58,
Published: 30 December 2023
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Individuals with disability experience challenges that can be burdens for society members. In Saudi Arabia, the living experience of individuals with disability has been given little attention. Thus, this study was conducted to understand the challenges and expectations of university students with disabilities to improve their living experience. This study recruited 18 students with visual, physical, or hearing impairments to explore their experience using semi-structured interviews. Their responses were thematically analyzed and revealed three major issues: challenges in living with disability, perception toward their impairments, and optimism toward the future. The students faced physical, communicational, and emotional barriers to meeting their needs. Despite limited academic programs for students with disabilities, many students were self-motivated to pursue their education and earn academic degrees. Additionally, they were optimistic about career opportunities, individuals’ rights, and society’s perception of disability. Disability-related barriers have hindered the students from living independently and enjoying social and academic life. To enhance their living experience, physical and social adjustments are highly recommended by enforcing construction and design regulations and community-based interventions. Additionally, nationwide programs to support such individuals’ success in both academic and professional life must be provided.


Mohammed, M. I., & Alrashed, A. M. (2023). Experience of Living with Disability of University Students in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 3(4), 50-58.