Research Article

Implementing a College Service-Learning Model to Increase Music Appreciation and Narrative Skills of Students with Intellectual Disability

Shan-Ken Chien 1, Yu-Chi Chou 2 *
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1 Center for General Education and Master Program in Music Industry, Chung Yuan Christian University, 320314, Taiwan2 Department of Special Education, Chung Yuan Christian University, 320314, Taiwan* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 3(2), June 2023, 11-21,
Published: 30 June 2023
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We developed and applied a Music and Narrative Curriculum for a college community service-learning course in a special education classroom of a local secondary school. The development of the curriculum stemmed from the music appreciation courses taught at a university. The curriculum consisted of three instructional phases, each with three core literacy. This article presents how to implement an eighteen-week general music education course, including classroom training and four intervention music lessons in a special education classroom at a university.


Chien, S.-K., & Chou, Y.-C. (2023). Implementing a College Service-Learning Model to Increase Music Appreciation and Narrative Skills of Students with Intellectual Disability. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 3(2), 11-21.