Research Article

Research on the Development and Application of Gender Equality Picture Books and Teaching Aids

Ya-Jane Chaung 1, Jia-Hui Wu 2, Ting-Wen Huang 3, Jung-Hsiang Tseng 4 *
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1 Department of Child Care, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan 33303, Taiwan2 China Lean Programming Teaching R&D and Counseling Association, Taipei 11156, Taiwan3 Yuguang Kindergarten, Changhua 51051, Taiwan4 Department of Child Care, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 91201, Taiwan* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 3(4), December 2023, 22-30,
Published: 28 December 2023
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We developed gender equality picture books and teaching aids to allow children to learn the concept of gender equality and strengthen the development of fine motor skills. This teaching aid and picture book was patented and won the golden prize in the international invent competition. We analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of commercially available teaching aids related to gender equality and improved the content by establishing the main direction of the design. To validate the usefulness of teaching aids, we created a questionnaire tested for reliability and validity. Then, 32 education and protection personnel were invited to compare traditional gender equality teaching aids and the developed teaching aids. Then, a questionnaire survey was carried out to understand the effectiveness of the developed teaching aids.


Chaung, Y.-J., Wu, J.-H., Huang, T.-W., & Tseng, J.-H. (2023). Research on the Development and Application of Gender Equality Picture Books and Teaching Aids. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 3(4), 22-30.