Research Article

Music Education for “Musically Talented Children” in Japan: A Career Path Toward Professionals and Three Music Education Organizations

Masafumi Ogawa 1 *
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1 Yokohama National University, Japan* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 1(1), December 2021, 7-17,
Published: 30 September 2021
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Japan has been one of the leading countries in Asia, where many world-class music professionals are continually produced. As an insider, the author has witnessed and experienced how “musically talented children” are raised in Japan for more than three decades. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to articulate the career path for becoming professional classical musicians from infants through college period. The findings are four folds: (1) piano is the most popular instrument, to begin with from early age, (2) most young children participate in music competitions, (3) there are three critical periods when young children have to decide whether they continue to study music or quit, (4) Two music universities, the Tōhō Gakuen Music School and the Tokyo National University of the Arts are the top schools in producing professional musicians, particularly in the piano, the violin, and the composition fields. In addition, the systems of three notable music education organizations, the Suzuki Methods, the TōhōMusic School for Children, and the PTNA, are explained.


Ogawa, M. (2021). Music Education for “Musically Talented Children” in Japan: A Career Path Toward Professionals and Three Music Education Organizations. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 1(1), 7-17.