Research Article
Study of Teachers’ Concepts of CLIL in Taiwan
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1 Providence University, Taiwan* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 2(1), March 2022, 25-34,
Published: 30 March 2022
OPEN ACCESS 273 Views 546 Downloads
Taiwan plans to become a bilingual (Chinese and English) nation by 2030 based on the new official policy, and thus the Ministry of Education (MOE) published the 108 (Taiwan year, equal to 2019) curriculum guidelines for the 12-Year Basic Education and has been promoting content and language integrated learning (CLIL). A lot of workshops have been held to develop the abilities of preservice and in-service teachers and to enhance the collaboration among teachers of English and other subjects. Therefore, the current study is carried out to investigate the preservice and in-service teachers’ concepts of CLIL to raise their attention on the implementation of CLIL in bilingual education. Due to the pandemic, online questionnaires and cell phone interviews were conducted for this study. There were 22 respondents to the questionnaire and five interviewees, both including preservice and in-service teachers. The analyses were performed for the teachers’ age, teaching area, subject, experiences, concepts of CLIL, willingness to apply CLIL, and their opinions. The result of the study provides suggestions for the educators (also the teachers themselves), school authorities, and the government (MOE).
Luo, C.-L. (2022). Study of Teachers’ Concepts of CLIL in Taiwan. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 2(1), 25-34.